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Common Striped Woodlouse

Lat. “Philoscia muscorum“
species of family “Philosciidae“
1 species

P. muscorum is a type of woodlouse that can grow up to 11 millimeters long and has a shiny, greyish-brown body. It is known for being faster than other common woodlice species, with a raised body and a dark-colored head. There are twelve recognized subspecies of P. muscorum. For more information on woodlice in the British Isles, you can refer to the list of woodlice of the region.


P. muscorum may reach 11 millimetres (0.43 in) in length, with a shiny body which is mottled and greyish-brown in colour. The fast woodlouse is, as its name suggests, faster than other common species; its body is raised up off the ground rather more than the others and the head is always very dark in colour.


Twelve subspecies are recognised:

See also

List of woodlice of the British Isles

== References ==

P. muscorum is a type of woodlouse that can grow up to 11 millimeters long and has a shiny, greyish-brown body. It is known for being faster than other common woodlice species, with a raised body and a dark-colored head. There are twelve recognized subspecies of P. muscorum. For more information on woodlice in the British Isles, you can refer to the list of woodlice of the region.

Ancestry Graph

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Further Information


This article uses material from the Wikipedia article Philoscia muscorum the free encyclopedia Wikipedia which is released under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License). On Wikipedia a list of authors is available.