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common brown click beetle

Lat. “Athous haemorrhoidalis“
species of family “Click Beetles“
1 species

The highlighted species is a click beetle with a fairly slender body, measuring 10-15 mm long. It has a black head and thorax, brown and ribbed elytra, and a dimpled pronotum. The adult click beetle can produce a loud clicking noise and launch itself into the air up to 245 mm, using its flexible thorax-abdomen hinge. It primarily feeds on pollen and is most active in July. The species is found in forests, wetland habitats, and agricultural settings, where the larvae can cause damage by preying on the winter moth and feeding on plant roots. The species is distributed throughout the British Isles, Europe, and Asia, mostly below 600 m elevation.


The adult is a fairly slender beetle, 10–15 mm long, with straight antennae which are long enough to reach the back of the pronotum (which covers the thorax). The head and thorax are black, the elytra brown and strongly ribbed. The pronotum is clearly dimpled all over. The whole body is covered with greyish-brown hairs. The legs are a paler brown than the elytra. Like other click beetles, the joint between thorax and abdomen forms a flexible hinge, and there is a central knob at the back of the thorax. The species is sexually dimorphic; males are smaller than females, and the side of the male’s pronotum is less wavy than the female’s.


This click beetle is found throughout the British Isles. It is widespread across Europe and Asia. It is predominantly a lowland species, being entirely absent above 600 m elevation, and becoming steadily scarcer from sea level up to 500 m.


If disturbed the adult can flick itself high (up to 245 mm) into the air, with a takeoff speed of up to 2.27 m/s, making a loud clicking noise. It can also use this ability to right itself if it falls onto its back.The adults live on flowers, eating pollen. In Europe they are most active in July (like a similar species, Athous vittatus), unlike several other click beetles which are active mainly in the spring months. The species is found mainly in forests, both broad-leaved (oak and beech) and coniferous (Scots pine). They are also found in wetland habitats such as fens and peatlands. Fossils of the species have been found in Britain from the Holocene period immediately after the last ice age, from acid bog peat, a much wetter habitat than the beetle’s usual habitats today.Adults pollinate the frog orchid, Coeloglossum viride. The beetles are eaten mainly by tits; they are an important prey species for the collared flycatcher, Ficedula albicollis.The larvae of A. haemorrhoidalis are damaging pests of agriculture. In an agricultural setting, the species is found in cereals, orchards, and potato crops. The larvae have a mixed diet, preying on the winter moth, Operophtera brumata, and eating the roots of plants, mostly grasses in the family Poaceae.

== References ==

The highlighted species is a click beetle with a fairly slender body, measuring 10-15 mm long. It has a black head and thorax, brown and ribbed elytra, and a dimpled pronotum. The adult click beetle can produce a loud clicking noise and launch itself into the air up to 245 mm, using its flexible thorax-abdomen hinge. It primarily feeds on pollen and is most active in July. The species is found in forests, wetland habitats, and agricultural settings, where the larvae can cause damage by preying on the winter moth and feeding on plant roots. The species is distributed throughout the British Isles, Europe, and Asia, mostly below 600 m elevation.

Ancestry Graph

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Further Information


This article uses material from the Wikipedia article Athous haemorrhoidalis the free encyclopedia Wikipedia which is released under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License). On Wikipedia a list of authors is available.