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Oedemera lurida

Lat. “Oedemera lurida“
species of family “False Blister Beetles“
1 species

Oedemera lurida is a small beetle with a metallic green, gray, or brown body, measuring 5-7 millimeters. They belong to a group of three similar species that are hard to tell apart without microscopic examination. These beetles live in Europe, North Africa, and the Near East, in forests, meadows, and fields. Their larvae feed on plant stems and rotten wood, while adults feed on pollen and nectar from various flowers. Oedemera lurida can be found from April to July and are known for their narrow, hairy elytra and unique antennae.


Oedemera lurida has a length of about 5–7 millimetres (0.20–0.28 in). The body of these insects is metallic pale-green, gray-green or brownish. Males of this species do not have the thickened hind femora of most males of the other Oedemera species. The elytra are narrow and covered with dense gray hairs. Antennae are eleven-segmented and finely pubescent. This species belongs to a complex of three species, the Oedemera-lurida-complex, which are quite difficult to distinguish one from the other, as the separation relies on subtle characters. These beetles usually need to be dissected and examined under the microscope. While the Oedemera lurida is, on average, smaller than Oedemera virescens, size is not typically used to distinguish the two. Larvae develop in rotten wood or humus and feed on stems of herbaceous plants and on rotten wood, while adult beetles feed on pollen and nectar of a wide variety of flowers, especially of umbels, Taraxacum and Ranunculus flowers and hawthorns. They can mostly be encountered from April through July.


These beetles are present in most of Europe, in North Africa and in the Near East.


Oedemera lurida lives in forests and forest edges, clearings, meadows and fields.


Svihla, V. - 1999 - Revision of the subgenera Stenaxis and Oedemera s. str. of the genus Oedemera -Folia Heyrovskyana, supplementum 4: 1-117 Vazquez, X. A. - 2002 - European Fauna of Oedemeridae - Argania editio, Barcelona, 179 pp.

External links#

O. lurida at O. lurida at Tierportraet O. lurida at

Oedemera lurida is a small beetle with a metallic green, gray, or brown body, measuring 5-7 millimeters. They belong to a group of three similar species that are hard to tell apart without microscopic examination. These beetles live in Europe, North Africa, and the Near East, in forests, meadows, and fields. Their larvae feed on plant stems and rotten wood, while adults feed on pollen and nectar from various flowers. Oedemera lurida can be found from April to July and are known for their narrow, hairy elytra and unique antennae.

Ancestry Graph

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Further Information


This article uses material from the Wikipedia article Oedemera lurida the free encyclopedia Wikipedia which is released under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License). On Wikipedia a list of authors is available.