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Hieroglyphic Lady Beetle

Lat. “Coccinella hieroglyphica“
species of family “Lady Beetles“
1 species

Coccinella hieroglyphica is a type of beetle found in the Palearctic region, including Europe, European Russia, Siberia, and parts of Asia. They are commonly found in habitats like heath, moorland, wet meadows, marshes, and mixed forests, where they feed on aphids. These beetles also live in areas with certain plant species like Pinus abies, Betula species, Salix species, and Alnus. Their populations can vary significantly from year to year, and they are active from May to October, hibernating in woody debris during winter. In the former USSR, they are known to feed on aphids found on various plant species.

Coccinella hieroglyphica is a species of beetle in family Coccinellidae. It is found in the Palearctic. Coccinella hieroglyphica is found in Europe, European Russia, Siberia, the Russian Far East, Belarus, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Mongolia, China, Korea. In Europe, in the north beyond the Polar circle, in the south to Northern Italy. They live in heath and moorland habitats to heights of 1,200 meters, on different Ericaceae, feeding on aphids. Other, less preferred, habitats are wet meadows, marshes, wastelands, and mixed forests. Other host plants are Pinus abies and other Pinus species and various Betula species. Their populations vary greatly from year to year. They fly from May to October and overwinter in coarse woody debris under pines and birches. In the former USSR, it is aphidophagous on Salix species, birches, and on Alnus and Poaceae

== References ==

Coccinella hieroglyphica is a type of beetle found in the Palearctic region, including Europe, European Russia, Siberia, and parts of Asia. They are commonly found in habitats like heath, moorland, wet meadows, marshes, and mixed forests, where they feed on aphids. These beetles also live in areas with certain plant species like Pinus abies, Betula species, Salix species, and Alnus. Their populations can vary significantly from year to year, and they are active from May to October, hibernating in woody debris during winter. In the former USSR, they are known to feed on aphids found on various plant species.

Ancestry Graph

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Further Information


This article uses material from the Wikipedia article Coccinella hieroglyphica the free encyclopedia Wikipedia which is released under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License). On Wikipedia a list of authors is available.