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Leaf Beetles

Lat. “Chrysomelidae“
family of infraorder “Beetles“
1 family, 1 phylum, 1 complex, 16 species

Leaf beetles, also known as Chrysomelidae, are small to medium-sized insects with bodies that are typically domed and oval in shape. Most species have a metallic luster or multiple colors. They have antennae that are shorter than the length of their head, thorax, and abdomen, with the first segment usually larger than the following ones. Leaf beetles belong to various subfamilies including Bruchinae, Cassidinae, Chrysomelinae, Criocerinae, Cryptocephalinae, Donaciinae, Eumolpinae, Galerucinae, Lamprosomatinae, Sagrinae, Spilopyrinae, and Synetinae. They have diverse diets, with adults often feeding on leaves and flowers, while larvae have different feeding habits such as leaf mining or gall formation. Leaf beetles have various natural enemies, including predators like bugs and wasps, as well as parasitic insects. More information and resources about Chrysomelidae can be found through external links provided.



The imagos of leaf beetles are small to medium-sized, i.e. most species range from 1.0 to 18 mm in length, excluding appendages, with just a few larger species such as Alurnus humeralis, which reaches 35 mm. The bodies of most species are domed, and oval in dorsal view (though some are round or elongated), and they often possess a metallic luster or multiple colors. In most specimens, the antennae are notably shorter than head, thorax, and abdomen, i.e. not more than half their combined length. The second antennal segment is of normal size (which differentiates leaf beetles from the closely related longhorn beetles). In most species, the antennal segments are of a more or less equal shape, at most they gradually widen towards the tip, although some Galerucinae in particular have modified segments, mainly in males. The first segment of the antenna in most cases is larger than the following ones. The pronotum of leaf beetles varies between species. In most, it is slightly to highly domed and trapezoidal to rounded-squarish in dorsal view. In some subfamilies such as the Cassidinae and to a lesser extent the Cryptocephalinae, the head is covered by the pronotum and thus not visible from above. The first three sternites are not fused, instead being linked by mobile sutures. Most species possess wings, although the level of development and thus flight ability varies widely, including within a single species, and some are flightless with fused elytra.


The family includes these subfamilies:

Bruchinae Latreille, 1802 – bean weevils or seed beetles Cassidinae Gyllenhaal, 1813 – tortoise beetles; includes the former “Hispinae” Chrysomelinae Latreille, 1802 – broad-bodied leaf beetles Criocerinae Latreille, 1804 – asparagus beetles, lily beetles, etc. Cryptocephalinae Gyllenhaal, 1813 – cylindrical leaf beetles and warty leaf beetles; includes former “Chlamisinae” and “Clytrinae” Donaciinae Kirby, 1837 – longhorned leaf beetles Eumolpinae Hope, 1840 – oval leaf beetles Galerucinae Latreille, 1802 – includes the former “Alticinae” (flea beetles) Lamprosomatinae Lacordaire, 1848 Sagrinae Leach, 1815 – frog-legged beetles or kangaroo beetles Spilopyrinae Chapuis, 1874 Synetinae LeConte & Horn, 1883 – sometimes considered a tribe of EumolpinaeUntil recently, the subfamily Bruchinae was considered a separate family, while two former subfamilies are presently considered families (Orsodacnidae and Megalopodidae). Other commonly recognized subfamilies have recently been grouped with other subfamilies, usually reducing them to tribal rank (e.g., the former Alticinae, Chlamisinae, Clytrinae, and Hispinae). The extinct subfamily Protoscelidinae, containing fossils described from the Middle to Late Jurassic Karabastau Formation, Kazakhstan, has been transferred to the family Anthribidae.


Chrysomelidae in general are herbivorous. Adults mostly feed on leaves and flowers of angiosperm plants, while larval diets are diverse. Bruchinae larvae are seed-borers, usually in seeds of legumes. Many adults feed on pollen, not necessarily that of the larval host. Some do not feed as adults. Cassidinae larvae may be leaf miners (many of the former Hispinae), stem borers (e.g. Estigmena) and external leaf feeders (e.g. Leptispa, Oediopalpa). Chrysomelinae generally feed on leaves as adults and larvae, though some species feed on flowers instead. Criocerinae larvae are usually leaf miners or feed externally on leaves. Some species are gallers instead. Eumolpinae larvae feed on roots. Most Cryptocephalinae larvae live and feed in leaf litter, making them detritivores, while a few feed on green leaves. A number of Cryptocephalinae have larvae that live in ant nests (myrmecophily), where they feed on dead plant or even dead animal matter. The semi-aquatic Donaciinae have larvae feeding on the sap of roots of aquatic plants. In addition to food, they also obtain oxygen this way, from the plant’s intercellular spaces. Adults feed on leaves of aquatic plants. Galerucinae are quite varied, with larvae living in soil and feeding on rootlets (e.g. Aulacophora, Cerotoma, Diabrotica), mining leaves (some Monoxia) or feeding externally on plants (e.g. Arima, Galeruca, Galerucella). Lamprosomatinae larvae feed on green plant parts or graze on bark. Sagrinae larvae mostly form galls in stems of shrubs, though Mecynodera balyi instead feeds inside seed pods of Pandorea vines. Adults feed on pollen. Spilopyrinae larvae are external leaf feeders. Synetinae larvae feed on roots, mainly of trees in cold northern forests.

Natural enemies

A Finnish researcher published an exhaustive paper describing the natural enemies of the alder leaf beetle Plagiosterna aenea and other species of leaf beetles observed in the field. Predators of chrysomelid eggs include true bugs such as Anthocorus nemorum and Orthotylus marginalis. Hoverflies (e.g. Parasyrphus nigritarsis) sometimes lay eggs adjacent to beetle egg clutches and when the fly larva hatches it consumes beetle eggs and young larvae. Larval predators include A. nemorum, the bug Rhacognathus punctatus, and the wasp Symmorphus bifasciatus. Some species of wasps, such as Polistes carolina, have been known to prey upon Chrysomelidae larvae after the eggs are laid in flowers. Adult beetles are consumed by R. punctatus. More information about natural enemies can be found in the articles about the chrysomelid beetles Chrysomela aeneicollis, Phratora laticollis and Phratora vitellinae.

External links#

Chyrsomelidae of northwest Europe List of subfamilies of European Chrysomelidae from University of Wrocław Brisbane leaf beetles Keys to the British genera and species of Chrysomelidae Chrysomelidae @ MIZA Archived 2020-10-24 at the Wayback Machine

Leaf beetles, also known as Chrysomelidae, are small to medium-sized insects with bodies that are typically domed and oval in shape. Most species have a metallic luster or multiple colors. They have antennae that are shorter than the length of their head, thorax, and abdomen, with the first segment usually larger than the following ones. Leaf beetles belong to various subfamilies including Bruchinae, Cassidinae, Chrysomelinae, Criocerinae, Cryptocephalinae, Donaciinae, Eumolpinae, Galerucinae, Lamprosomatinae, Sagrinae, Spilopyrinae, and Synetinae. They have diverse diets, with adults often feeding on leaves and flowers, while larvae have different feeding habits such as leaf mining or gall formation. Leaf beetles have various natural enemies, including predators like bugs and wasps, as well as parasitic insects. More information and resources about Chrysomelidae can be found through external links provided.

Ancestry Graph

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Further Information


This article uses material from the Wikipedia article Chrysomelidae the free encyclopedia Wikipedia which is released under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License). On Wikipedia a list of authors is available.