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Flea Beetles

Lat. “Alticini“
phylum of family “Leaf Beetles“
1 phylum, 8 species

Flea beetles are small to moderately sized beetles characterized by their enlarged hindleg femora, allowing them to spring when disturbed. They can also walk normally and fly. Adult flea beetles feed externally on plants, damaging the leaves, stems, and petals. Some species of flea beetle larvae are root feeders. Depending on the species, flea beetles can be beneficial or pests to humans. They may seek shelter in the soil during adverse weather conditions and are known for their jumping ability.


Description and ecology

The adults are very small to moderately sized Chrysomelidae (i.e. among beetles in general they are on the smallish side). They are similar to other leaf beetles, but characteristically have the hindleg femora greatly enlarged. These enlarged femora allow for the springing action of these insects when disturbed. Flea beetles can also walk normally and fly. Many flea beetles are attractively colored; dark, shiny and often metallic colors predominate. Adult flea beetles feed externally on plants, eating the surface of the leaves, stems and petals. Under heavy feeding the small round holes caused by an individual flea beetle’s feeding may coalesce into larger areas of damage. Some flea beetle larvae (e.g. of Phyllotreta species) are root feeders. In adverse weather conditions (rain, for example) some flea beetles seek shelter in the soil. Some species, such as Phyllotreta cruciferae and P. striolata, prefer to leave their hideouts only during warm and dry weather. The German name Erdflöhe (literally “earth fleas”) refers to their jumping ability and this behavior of hiding in the soil.

Relationship with humans

Flea beetles may be beneficial or may be pests, depending on the species.

Selected genera

This genus list is not complete. It is also partially from ITIS and might include genera placed elsewhere in other sources.

See also

List of flea beetle genera

External links#

Flea beetle description at Kansas State University Flea Beetles, Kansas State University, July 2008 The Handbook of Palearctic Flea Beetles - identification of Palearctic flea beetle genera, along with morphology, host plant information, and literature references “Flea Beetles” by W.S. Cranshaw, Colorado State University Extension entomologist and professor

Flea beetles are small to moderately sized beetles characterized by their enlarged hindleg femora, allowing them to spring when disturbed. They can also walk normally and fly. Adult flea beetles feed externally on plants, damaging the leaves, stems, and petals. Some species of flea beetle larvae are root feeders. Depending on the species, flea beetles can be beneficial or pests to humans. They may seek shelter in the soil during adverse weather conditions and are known for their jumping ability.

Ancestry Graph

%%{ init: { 'theme': 'base', 'themeVariables': { 'primaryColor': '#83a09c', 'primaryTextColor': '#212d2b', 'primaryBorderColor': '#fff', 'lineColor': '#fff', 'secondaryColor': '#006100', 'tertiaryColor': '#fff' } } }%% flowchart LR classDef active fill:#fff arthropods("phylum: Arthropods"):::active arthropods-->insects("class: Insects"):::active insects-->beetles("order: Beetles"):::active beetles-->leaf-beetles("family: Leaf Beetles"):::active leaf-beetles-.->oulema-melanopus(": Oulema melanopus") leaf-beetles-.->clytra-laeviuscula(["species: Clytra laeviuscula"]) leaf-beetles-.->colorado-potato-beetle(["species: Colorado Potato Beetle"]) leaf-beetles-.->daffodil-leaf-beetle(["species: Daffodil Leaf-beetle"]) leaf-beetles==>flea-beetles("phylum: Flea Beetles"):::active leaf-beetles-.->green-dock-beetle(["species: Green Dock Beetle"]) leaf-beetles-.->labidostomis-longimana(["species: Labidostomis longimana"]) leaf-beetles-.->mint-beetle(["species: Mint beetle"]) click oulema-melanopus href "/en/catalogue/arthropods/insects/beetles/leaf-beetles/oulema-melanopus/" click clytra-laeviuscula href "/en/catalogue/arthropods/insects/beetles/leaf-beetles/clytra-laeviuscula/" click colorado-potato-beetle href "/en/catalogue/arthropods/insects/beetles/leaf-beetles/colorado-potato-beetle/" click daffodil-leaf-beetle href "/en/catalogue/arthropods/insects/beetles/leaf-beetles/daffodil-leaf-beetle/" click flea-beetles href "/en/catalogue/arthropods/insects/beetles/leaf-beetles/flea-beetles/" click green-dock-beetle href "/en/catalogue/arthropods/insects/beetles/leaf-beetles/green-dock-beetle/" click labidostomis-longimana href "/en/catalogue/arthropods/insects/beetles/leaf-beetles/labidostomis-longimana/" click mint-beetle href "/en/catalogue/arthropods/insects/beetles/leaf-beetles/mint-beetle/" click arthropods href "/en/catalogue/arthropods/" click insects href "/en/catalogue/arthropods/insects/" click beetles href "/en/catalogue/arthropods/insects/beetles/" click leaf-beetles href "/en/catalogue/arthropods/insects/beetles/leaf-beetles/"

Further Information


This article uses material from the Wikipedia article Alticini the free encyclopedia Wikipedia which is released under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License). On Wikipedia a list of authors is available.