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Crepidodera aurea

Lat. “Crepidodera aurea“
species of subphylum “Flea Beetles“
1 species

Crepidodera aurea is a type of flea beetle that belongs to the Chrysomelidae family and is commonly found throughout Europe, except in certain countries and islands. It is not present in Albania, Andorra, Finland, Ireland, Latvia, Moldova, Monaco, Norway, San Marino, Sweden, Vatican City, and some European islands.

Crepidodera aurea is a species of flea beetles from Chrysomelidae family that can be found in everywhere in Europe, except for Albania, Andorra, Finland, Ireland, Latvia, Moldova, Monaco, Norway, San Marino, Sweden, Vatican City, and various European islands.

== References ==

Crepidodera aurea is a type of flea beetle that belongs to the Chrysomelidae family and is commonly found throughout Europe, except in certain countries and islands. It is not present in Albania, Andorra, Finland, Ireland, Latvia, Moldova, Monaco, Norway, San Marino, Sweden, Vatican City, and some European islands.

Ancestry Graph

%%{ init: { 'theme': 'base', 'themeVariables': { 'primaryColor': '#83a09c', 'primaryTextColor': '#212d2b', 'primaryBorderColor': '#fff', 'lineColor': '#fff', 'secondaryColor': '#006100', 'tertiaryColor': '#fff' } } }%% flowchart LR classDef active fill:#fff arthropods("phylum: Arthropods"):::active arthropods-->insects("class: Insects"):::active insects-->beetles("order: Beetles"):::active beetles-->leaf-beetles("family: Leaf Beetles"):::active leaf-beetles-->flea-beetles("phylum: Flea Beetles"):::active flea-beetles==>crepidodera-aurea(["species: Crepidodera aurea"]):::active flea-beetles-.->phyllotreta-nigripes(["species: Phyllotreta nigripes"]) flea-beetles-.->podagrica-fuscicornis(["species: Podagrica fuscicornis"]) flea-beetles-.->psylliodes-chalcomerus(["species: Psylliodes chalcomerus"]) click crepidodera-aurea href "/en/catalogue/arthropods/insects/beetles/leaf-beetles/flea-beetles/crepidodera-aurea/" click phyllotreta-nigripes href "/en/catalogue/arthropods/insects/beetles/leaf-beetles/flea-beetles/phyllotreta-nigripes/" click podagrica-fuscicornis href "/en/catalogue/arthropods/insects/beetles/leaf-beetles/flea-beetles/podagrica-fuscicornis/" click psylliodes-chalcomerus href "/en/catalogue/arthropods/insects/beetles/leaf-beetles/flea-beetles/psylliodes-chalcomerus/" click arthropods href "/en/catalogue/arthropods/" click insects href "/en/catalogue/arthropods/insects/" click beetles href "/en/catalogue/arthropods/insects/beetles/" click leaf-beetles href "/en/catalogue/arthropods/insects/beetles/leaf-beetles/" click flea-beetles href "/en/catalogue/arthropods/insects/beetles/leaf-beetles/flea-beetles/"

Further Information


This article uses material from the Wikipedia article Crepidodera aurea the free encyclopedia Wikipedia which is released under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License). On Wikipedia a list of authors is available.