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variable longhorn beetle

Lat. “Stenocorus meridianus“
species of family “Longhorn Beetles“
1 species

The given text lacks sufficient information to provide a summary. It only mentions the life cycle of the larvae, which is born in damaged timber of a diseased tree. Without further details or context, it is not possible to summarize the main points or key details accurately.

Life cycle

The larvae is born in the damaged timber of diseased tree.

== References ==

The given text lacks sufficient information to provide a summary. It only mentions the life cycle of the larvae, which is born in damaged timber of a diseased tree. Without further details or context, it is not possible to summarize the main points or key details accurately.

Ancestry Graph

%%{ init: { 'theme': 'base', 'themeVariables': { 'primaryColor': '#83a09c', 'primaryTextColor': '#212d2b', 'primaryBorderColor': '#fff', 'lineColor': '#fff', 'secondaryColor': '#006100', 'tertiaryColor': '#fff' } } }%% flowchart LR classDef active fill:#fff arthropods("phylum: Arthropods"):::active arthropods-->insects("class: Insects"):::active insects-->beetles("order: Beetles"):::active beetles-->longhorn-beetles("family: Longhorn Beetles"):::active longhorn-beetles-.->black-striped-longhorn-beetle(["species: Black-striped Longhorn Beetle"]) longhorn-beetles-.->fairy-ring-longhorn-beetle(["species: Fairy-ring Longhorn Beetle"]) longhorn-beetles-.->spotted-longhorn-beetle(["species: Spotted Longhorn Beetle"]) longhorn-beetles-.->tanbark-borer(["species: Tanbark Borer"]) longhorn-beetles==>variable-longhorn-beetle(["species: variable longhorn beetle"]):::active click black-striped-longhorn-beetle href "/en/catalogue/arthropods/insects/beetles/longhorn-beetles/black-striped-longhorn-beetle/" click fairy-ring-longhorn-beetle href "/en/catalogue/arthropods/insects/beetles/longhorn-beetles/fairy-ring-longhorn-beetle/" click spotted-longhorn-beetle href "/en/catalogue/arthropods/insects/beetles/longhorn-beetles/spotted-longhorn-beetle/" click tanbark-borer href "/en/catalogue/arthropods/insects/beetles/longhorn-beetles/tanbark-borer/" click variable-longhorn-beetle href "/en/catalogue/arthropods/insects/beetles/longhorn-beetles/variable-longhorn-beetle/" click arthropods href "/en/catalogue/arthropods/" click insects href "/en/catalogue/arthropods/insects/" click beetles href "/en/catalogue/arthropods/insects/beetles/" click longhorn-beetles href "/en/catalogue/arthropods/insects/beetles/longhorn-beetles/"

Further Information


This article uses material from the Wikipedia article Stenocorus meridianus the free encyclopedia Wikipedia which is released under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License). On Wikipedia a list of authors is available.