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  6. Fruit and Flower Chafers/

Mediterranean Spotted Chafer

Lat. “Oxythyrea funesta“
species of epifamily “Fruit and Flower Chafers“
1 species

The summary provided just lists the names of two subspecies of the species Oxythyrea funesta. The information given is limited to the names of the subspecies without any additional context or details. Two external links (Biolib and Fauna europaea) are mentioned, but without any information on what they are about or how they relate to the subspecies.


Oxythyrea funesta var. consobrina Villa Oxythyrea funesta var. deleta Mulsant

External links#

Biolib Fauna europaea

The summary provided just lists the names of two subspecies of the species Oxythyrea funesta. The information given is limited to the names of the subspecies without any additional context or details. Two external links (Biolib and Fauna europaea) are mentioned, but without any information on what they are about or how they relate to the subspecies.

Ancestry Graph

%%{ init: { 'theme': 'base', 'themeVariables': { 'primaryColor': '#83a09c', 'primaryTextColor': '#212d2b', 'primaryBorderColor': '#fff', 'lineColor': '#fff', 'secondaryColor': '#006100', 'tertiaryColor': '#fff' } } }%% flowchart LR classDef active fill:#fff arthropods("phylum: Arthropods"):::active arthropods-->insects("class: Insects"):::active insects-->beetles("order: Beetles"):::active beetles-->scarabs("family: Scarabs"):::active scarabs-->fruit-and-flower-chafers("subfamily: Fruit and Flower Chafers"):::active fruit-and-flower-chafers-.->european-rose-chafer(["species: European Rose Chafer"]) fruit-and-flower-chafers==>mediterranean-spotted-chafer(["species: Mediterranean Spotted Chafer"]):::active click european-rose-chafer href "/en/catalogue/arthropods/insects/beetles/scarabs/fruit-and-flower-chafers/european-rose-chafer/" click mediterranean-spotted-chafer href "/en/catalogue/arthropods/insects/beetles/scarabs/fruit-and-flower-chafers/mediterranean-spotted-chafer/" click arthropods href "/en/catalogue/arthropods/" click insects href "/en/catalogue/arthropods/insects/" click beetles href "/en/catalogue/arthropods/insects/beetles/" click scarabs href "/en/catalogue/arthropods/insects/beetles/scarabs/" click fruit-and-flower-chafers href "/en/catalogue/arthropods/insects/beetles/scarabs/fruit-and-flower-chafers/"

Further Information


This article uses material from the Wikipedia article Oxythyrea funesta the free encyclopedia Wikipedia which is released under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License). On Wikipedia a list of authors is available.