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Malachite Beetles

Lat. “Malachiinae“
subfamily of family “Soft-winged Flower Beetles“
1 subfamily, 2 species

The Malachiinae is a subfamily of beetles with orange structures along the sides of their abdomen. These structures can either be visible and sac-like or withdrawn and inconspicuous. The most common species in North America is the Collops quadrimaculatus, which is reddish in color with two bluish black spots on each wing cover. More information about the Malachiinae can be found on Fauna Europaea and Wikimedia Commons.


Common Malachite-beetle
Lat. “Malachius bipustulatus“
species of epifamily “Malachite Beetles“
1 species


Malachiinae have peculiar orange structures along the sides of the abdomen, which may be everted and saclike or withdrawn into the body and inconspicuous. The most common North American species belongs to the genus Collops (C. quadrimaculatus) and is reddish, with two bluish black spots on each elytron.

External links#

Malachiinae at Fauna Europaea Data related to Malachiinae at Wikispecies Media related to Malachiinae at Wikimedia Commons “Malachiinae” at the Encyclopedia of Life

The Malachiinae is a subfamily of beetles with orange structures along the sides of their abdomen. These structures can either be visible and sac-like or withdrawn and inconspicuous. The most common species in North America is the Collops quadrimaculatus, which is reddish in color with two bluish black spots on each wing cover. More information about the Malachiinae can be found on Fauna Europaea and Wikimedia Commons.

Ancestry Graph

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Further Information


This article uses material from the Wikipedia article Malachiinae the free encyclopedia Wikipedia which is released under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License). On Wikipedia a list of authors is available.