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  6. Malachite Beetles/

Common Malachite-beetle

Lat. “Malachius bipustulatus“
species of epifamily “Malachite Beetles“
1 species

The summary provided includes information about a subspecies of the beetle species Malachius bipustulatus called var. immaculatus. The references cited are Anderson et al. (1997) and Joy (1932) which provide further information about this subspecies. The external links listed are Biolib, Habitas, and Fauna Europaea, which are sources that can be explored for more information on this topic.


Malachius bipustulatus var. immaculatus Rey


Anderson, R., Nash, R. & O’Connor, J.P.. 1997, Irish Coleoptera: a revised and annotated list, Irish Naturalists’ Journal Special Entomological Supplement, 1-81 Joy, N.H., 1932, A practical handbook of British beetles, H.F. & G. Witherby, London Plantpress

External links#

Biolib Habitas Fauna Europaea

The summary provided includes information about a subspecies of the beetle species Malachius bipustulatus called var. immaculatus. The references cited are Anderson et al. (1997) and Joy (1932) which provide further information about this subspecies. The external links listed are Biolib, Habitas, and Fauna Europaea, which are sources that can be explored for more information on this topic.

Ancestry Graph

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Further Information


This article uses material from the Wikipedia article Malachius bipustulatus the free encyclopedia Wikipedia which is released under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License). On Wikipedia a list of authors is available.