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Soldier Beetles

Lat. “Cantharidae“
family of infraorder “Beetles“
1 family, 4 species

The Cantharidae family has a long evolutionary history, with the oldest member being Molliberus from the Early Cretaceous period. Other genera have been discovered in different amber deposits from the Late Cretaceous and Cenomanian ages. There are five subfamilies within Cantharidae. In terms of reproduction, larger males of the soldier beetle prefer larger females. Body size plays a role in the ability of males to attract females and females to avoid males. For more information on Cantharidae genera, refer to the list provided.


Ancistronycha tigurina
Lat. “Ancistronycha tigurina“
species of family “Soldier Beetles“
1 species
Common Red Soldier Beetle
Lat. “Rhagonycha fulva“
species of family “Soldier Beetles“
1 species

Evolutionary history

The oldest described member of the family is Molliberus from the Early Cretaceous (early Albian) aged El Soplao amber from Cantabria, Spain, belonging to the tribe Cantharini in the subfamily Cantharinae. Other described genera include 6 from the early Late Cretaceous (early Cenomanian) aged Burmese amber, with 5 belonging to Cantharinae and one to Malthininae, and Katyacantharis, from the Cenomanian aged Agdzhakend amber of Azerbaijan, suggested to belong to Cantharinae. Indeterminate specimens have been reported from the Aptian aged Koonwarra fossil bed of the Strzelecki Group, Australia and the Barremian aged Lebanese amber.

Subfamilies, tribes and selected genera

Five subfamilies are normally accepted:


Large males of the soldier beetle exercise choice for larger females. Body size correlates with the abilities of males to secure females, and of females to evade males.

See also

List of Cantharidae genera


== External links ==

The Cantharidae family has a long evolutionary history, with the oldest member being Molliberus from the Early Cretaceous period. Other genera have been discovered in different amber deposits from the Late Cretaceous and Cenomanian ages. There are five subfamilies within Cantharidae. In terms of reproduction, larger males of the soldier beetle prefer larger females. Body size plays a role in the ability of males to attract females and females to avoid males. For more information on Cantharidae genera, refer to the list provided.

Ancestry Graph

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Further Information


This article uses material from the Wikipedia article Cantharidae the free encyclopedia Wikipedia which is released under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License). On Wikipedia a list of authors is available.