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Common Flesh Fly

Lat. “Sarcophaga carnaria“
species of family “Flesh Flies and Satellite Flies“
1 species

This summary provides information about a species where only males can be definitively identified by examining their genitalia. The larvae primarily consume earthworms, while the adults are drawn to decaying meat and feces. This species can be found in various regions across Europe, ranging from the United Kingdom and southern Europe to the Altai mountains and the Kola Peninsula.


Only males can be identified with certainty, and then only by examining genitalia.


Larvae mostly feed on earthworms. Adults are attracted to rotting meat and faeces.


European, from the U.K. and southern Europe, east to the Altai mountains and north to the Kola Peninsula.

== References ==

This summary provides information about a species where only males can be definitively identified by examining their genitalia. The larvae primarily consume earthworms, while the adults are drawn to decaying meat and feces. This species can be found in various regions across Europe, ranging from the United Kingdom and southern Europe to the Altai mountains and the Kola Peninsula.

Ancestry Graph

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Further Information


This article uses material from the Wikipedia article Sarcophaga carnaria the free encyclopedia Wikipedia which is released under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License). On Wikipedia a list of authors is available.