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Hornet Mimic Hover Fly

Lat. “Volucella zonaria“
species of family “Hover Flies“
1 species

The Volucella zonaria species is found in various parts of Europe, Tunisia, Iran, Russia, and Mongolia. In Great Britain, it was once considered rare but has become more common in the South and Southeast regions. These hoverflies prefer meadows close to forests as their habitat. They are large, with a reddish-brown thorax and yellow face, and they mimic the appearance and flight of European hornets. Adults are migratory and can be found from May to September, feeding on the nectar of various flowers. Females lay their eggs in nests of wasps and hornets, and the larvae live in these nests as commensals. The pupae overwinter in the soil and hatch in the following spring.


This species is present in most of Europe, in Tunisia, Iran, Russia (to Far East) and in Mongolia.In Great Britain, it was only known from two specimens prior to 1940, so was regarded as rare. Since then, it has become increasingly widespread in many parts of the South and South East England, often in association with parks and gardens, where adults are usually seen visiting flowers. Elsewhere in England, only a few scattered records exist.


These hoverflies usually inhabit meadows close to forests.


Volucella zonaria can reach a length of 25 millimetres (0.98 in), with a wingspan of about 40 mm. These very large and wide hoverflies have reddish-brown shining thorax with dark brown marks, and a reddish-brown scutellum. The head shows a waxy yellow face, with yellow forehead and antennae. The large ovoid compound eyes are reddish with dense and short hairs. In the males they are very close to each other, so that the forehead is very narrow. The abdomen is reddish yellow, with two wide black bands. The underside has broad black bars. The first abdominal segment is black. The second tergite is chestnut brown. Wings are amber infused. The legs are basically red-brown, but black at the base.This species mimics the European hornet (Vespa crabro), by its size, by its appearance and its buzzing flight.


Adults can be found from May to September, but they are most common in July / August. Like all Volucella, the adults of these hoverflies are migratory. Volucella zonaria is a Mediterranean migratory species. These hoverflies mainly feed on nectar of flowers of various plants, especially Valeriana, Oregano, Mentha longifolia, Scabiosa, Cornus, Ligustrum, Cirsium, Carduus, Buddleia and various other flowering shrubs. Females lay their eggs in wasp and hornet nests. The larvae live as commensals in nests of bees, hornets and of social wasps of the genus Vespula. The pupae overwinter in the soil and hatch in following spring.

External links#

Media related to Volucella zonaria at Wikimedia Commons The Wildlife Trusts Urban Pollinators

The Volucella zonaria species is found in various parts of Europe, Tunisia, Iran, Russia, and Mongolia. In Great Britain, it was once considered rare but has become more common in the South and Southeast regions. These hoverflies prefer meadows close to forests as their habitat. They are large, with a reddish-brown thorax and yellow face, and they mimic the appearance and flight of European hornets. Adults are migratory and can be found from May to September, feeding on the nectar of various flowers. Females lay their eggs in nests of wasps and hornets, and the larvae live in these nests as commensals. The pupae overwinter in the soil and hatch in the following spring.

Ancestry Graph

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Further Information


This article uses material from the Wikipedia article Volucella zonaria the free encyclopedia Wikipedia which is released under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License). On Wikipedia a list of authors is available.