genus of family “Hover Flies“
1 genus
There is a list of different species of insects provided in the content. Each species has a unique scientific name and was discovered by different researchers in various years. The names of these species are organized alphabetically, making it easier to find a specific species. The list includes species like P. altaica, P. annulata, P. maculipennis, and many more. These species belong to a variety of families and have been studied and documented by scientists over the years.

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P. altaica Violovitsh, 1981 P. annulata Macquart, 1829 P. antennata Violovitsh, 1981 P. barkalovi Violovitsh, 1981 P. bayburtica Claussen & Hayat, 1997 P. beckeri Bradescu, 1986 P. bispina Simic, 1987 P. brevis Lucas, 1977 P. calabra (Goeldlin, 1974) P. cantabrica Claussen, 1991 P. caucasica Skufjin, 1976 P. certa Violovitsh, 1981 P. cornuta Kuznetzov, 1987 P. curvitibia Stackelberg, 1960 P. divicoi (Goeldlin, 1974) P. elegantissima Lucas, 1976 P. fumida (Goeldlin, 1974) P. kuznetzovi Steenis & Lucas, 2011 P. lyneborgi Torp Pedersen, 1971 P. maculipennis (Meigen, 1822) P. mesasiatica Stackelberg, 1952 P. mongolorum Stackelberg, 1952 P. nataliae Kuznetzov, 1987 P. nigriana (Séguy, 1961) P. obscura Steenis & Lucas, 2011 P. ochreobasalis Steenis & Lucas, 2011 P. orientalis Steenis & Lucas, 2011 P. pennina (Goeldlin, 1974) P. sibirica Violovitsh, 1981 P. siciliana Nielsen & Torp, 1973 P. speighti Verlinden, 1999 P. thapsiana Kassebeer, 1995 P. vandergooti Steenis & Lucas, 2011 P. varipes Meigen, 1822 P. viduata (Linnaeus, 1758) P. virens (Fabricius, 1805) P. zeneggenensis (Goeldlin, 1974) P. zloti Vujic, 1997
== References ==
There is a list of different species of insects provided in the content. Each species has a unique scientific name and was discovered by different researchers in various years. The names of these species are organized alphabetically, making it easier to find a specific species. The list includes species like P. altaica, P. annulata, P. maculipennis, and many more. These species belong to a variety of families and have been studied and documented by scientists over the years.
Ancestry Graph
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