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Cuckoo Bumble Bees

Lat. “Psithyrus“
subgenus of genus “Bumble Bees“
1 subgenus

There are many species of bumblebees, including Bombus ashtoni, Bombus barbutellus, and Bombus bellardii, among others. These species are studied and documented in books like “The Bees of the World” by C.D. Michener and “Highland Bumblebees: Distribution, Ecology and Conservation” by M. Macdonald and G. Nisbet. Bumblebees play an important role in pollination and maintaining ecosystems. The information provided can help in understanding the diversity and conservation of bumblebee species. The books mentioned can provide more in-depth knowledge about bumblebees for those interested in learning further.

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Selected species

Bombus ashtoni Bombus barbutellus Bombus bellardii Bombus bohemicus Bombus branickii Bombus campestris Bombus chinensis Bombus citrinus Bombus coreanus Bombus cornutus Bombus expolitus Bombus fernaldae Bombus ferganicus Bombus flavidus Bombus insularis Bombus monozonous Bombus morawitzianus Bombus norvegicus Bombus quadricolor Bombus rupestris Bombus skorikovi Bombus suckleyi Bombus sylvestris Bombus tibetanus Bombus turneri Bombus variabilis Bombus vestalis

Further reading

Michener, C.D. (2000). The Bees of the World. Johns Hopkins University Press. Macdonald, M. & Nisbet, G. (2006). Highland Bumblebees: Distribution, Ecology and Conservation. HBRG, Inverness, ISBN 0-9552211-0-2.

There are many species of bumblebees, including Bombus ashtoni, Bombus barbutellus, and Bombus bellardii, among others. These species are studied and documented in books like “The Bees of the World” by C.D. Michener and “Highland Bumblebees: Distribution, Ecology and Conservation” by M. Macdonald and G. Nisbet. Bumblebees play an important role in pollination and maintaining ecosystems. The information provided can help in understanding the diversity and conservation of bumblebee species. The books mentioned can provide more in-depth knowledge about bumblebees for those interested in learning further.

Ancestry Graph

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Further Information


This article uses material from the Wikipedia article Psithyrus the free encyclopedia Wikipedia which is released under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License). On Wikipedia a list of authors is available.