Damsel Bugs
family of suborder “True Bugs“
1 family, 4 species
This article provides information about the family Nabidae, which consists of 23 genera. The evolutionary history of the family includes several fossil genera, with the earliest record being Cretanazgul from the Burmese amber of Myanmar. The article also mentions various data sources for further reference.

species of family “Damsel Bugs“
1 species
species of family “Damsel Bugs“
1 species
These 23 genera belong to the family Nabidae:
Data sources: i = ITIS, c = Catalogue of Life, g = GBIF, b = Bugguide.net
Evolutionary history#
Several fossil genera have been attributed to the family, including Karanabis from the Upper Jurassic Karabastau Formation of Kazakhstan, but it has subsequently been assigned to other families. The earliest definitive record of the family is Cretanazgul from the Cenomanian aged Burmese amber of Myanmar, belonging to the subfamily Prostemmatinae.
== External links ==
This article provides information about the family Nabidae, which consists of 23 genera. The evolutionary history of the family includes several fossil genera, with the earliest record being Cretanazgul from the Burmese amber of Myanmar. The article also mentions various data sources for further reference.
Ancestry Graph
Further Information