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Box Bug

Lat. “Gonocerus acuteangulatus“
species of family “Leaf-footed Bugs“
1 species

The species Gonocerus acuteangulatus was described in 1778 and is commonly found in the Mediterranean region, Central Asia, and parts of northwestern Europe. They inhabit dry and warm environments with specific types of plants. These bugs are medium-sized, speckled reddish-brown, and feed on ripe fruits. They can be harmful to hazel and pistachio plants and can transmit a fungus called Nematospora coryli.


This species was formally described by the German zoologist Johann Goeze in 1778, under the name Cimex acuteangulatus.


This species commonly occurs throughout the Mediterranean region and extends to Central Asia and parts of northwestern Europe.


These heat-loving bugs inhabit mainly dry and warm, south-exposed environments, bushes and forest edges with shrubs that bear berries and small trees of various families, especially Buxaceae and Rhamnaceae, as well as Rosa canina and Crataegus species (Rosaceae) or Lonicera xylosteum (Caprifoliaceae).


Gonocerus acuteangulatus is a medium-sized insect, between 11 and 14 mm long as an adult. These bugs are speckled reddish-brown with a slightly expanded abdomen. The nymphs have a green abdomen. This species is rather similar to Coreus marginatus, but it shows a narrower abdomen and has sharper lateral margins of the pronotum (hence the Latin species name acuteangulatus).


Adults can be found all year. They mainly feed on the juice of the ripe fruits of the host plants. This species is a harmful pest of the hazel and pistachio. It can also be a vector of the fungus Nematospora coryli, an agent of stigmatomycosis.


Ekkehard Wachmann, Albert Melber, Jürgen Deckert: Wanzen. Band 3: Pentatomomorpha I: Aradoidea (Rindenwanzen), Lygaeoidea (Bodenwanzen u. a.), Pyrrhocoroidea (Feuerwanzen) und Coreoidea (Randwanzen u. a.). Goecke & Evers, Keltern 2007, ISBN 978-3-937783-29-1. Ekkehard Wachmann, Albert Melber, Jürgen Deckert: Wanzen. Band 5: Supplementband. Dipsocoromorpha, Nepomorpha, Gerromorpha, Leptopodomorpha, Cimicomorpha und Pentatomomorpha. Goecke & Evers, Keltern 2012, ISBN 978-3-937783-58-1.

== References ==

The species Gonocerus acuteangulatus was described in 1778 and is commonly found in the Mediterranean region, Central Asia, and parts of northwestern Europe. They inhabit dry and warm environments with specific types of plants. These bugs are medium-sized, speckled reddish-brown, and feed on ripe fruits. They can be harmful to hazel and pistachio plants and can transmit a fungus called Nematospora coryli.

Ancestry Graph

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Further Information


This article uses material from the Wikipedia article Gonocerus acuteangulatus the free encyclopedia Wikipedia which is released under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License). On Wikipedia a list of authors is available.