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European Firebug

Lat. “Pyrrhocoris apterus“
species of family “Red Bugs“
1 species

The firebug (Pyrrhocoris apterus) mates in April and May and feeds mainly on seeds from lime trees and mallows. They can be seen in pairs during mating, which can last from 12 hours to 7 days. The males may engage in prolonged copulation as a way to guard their ejaculate from competing males. In a study conducted in the 1960s, it was discovered that firebugs reared in the United States had developmental abnormalities due to hormones found in American paper towels made from balsam fir trees. Specifically, a hormone called juvabione, which mimics juvenile hormone, affected the firebugs but not other insect species. Firebug images and information can be found in the provided external links.


Firebugs generally mate in April and May. Their diet consists primarily of seeds from lime trees and mallows (see below). They can often be found in groups near the base of lime tree trunks, on the sunny side. They can be seen in tandem formation when mating which can take from 12 hours up to 7 days. The long period of copulating is probably used by the males as a form of ejaculate-guarding under high competition with other males.


P. apterus was the subject of an unexpected discovery in the 1960s when researchers who had for ten years been rearing the bugs in Prague, Czech Republic, attempted to do the same at Harvard University in the United States. After the fifth nymphal instar, instead of developing into adults, the bugs either entered a sixth instar stage, or became adults with nymphal characteristics. Some of the sixth instars went on to a seventh instar, but all specimens died without reaching maturity. The source of the problem was eventually proven to be the paper towels used in the rearing process; the effect only happened if the paper towels were made in America. The researchers could replicate these results with American newspapers such as the New York Times, but not European newspapers such as The Times. The cause was found to be hormones found in the native balsam fir tree (Abies balsamea) used to manufacture paper and related products in America, and in some other North American conifers. This hormone happened to have a profound effect on P. apterus, but not on other insect species, showing the diversification of hormone receptors in the insects. The most potent chemical component was later identified as juvabione, the methyl ester of todomatuic acid, which is produced by the trees in response to wounding; it mimics juvenile hormone closely at the chemical level, defending against vulnerable pests.

External links#

Images of firebugs Firebugs in the Channel Islands

The firebug (Pyrrhocoris apterus) mates in April and May and feeds mainly on seeds from lime trees and mallows. They can be seen in pairs during mating, which can last from 12 hours to 7 days. The males may engage in prolonged copulation as a way to guard their ejaculate from competing males. In a study conducted in the 1960s, it was discovered that firebugs reared in the United States had developmental abnormalities due to hormones found in American paper towels made from balsam fir trees. Specifically, a hormone called juvabione, which mimics juvenile hormone, affected the firebugs but not other insect species. Firebug images and information can be found in the provided external links.

Ancestry Graph

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Further Information


This article uses material from the Wikipedia article Pyrrhocoris apterus the free encyclopedia Wikipedia which is released under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License). On Wikipedia a list of authors is available.