banded rhopalid
species of family “Scentless Plant Bugs“
1 species
Stictopleurus punctatonervosus is a bug that can grow to about 6.5–9 millimeters in length. These bugs have distinctive features like a punctuated pronotum, banded connexivum, and a rounded scutellum tip. They are grey-brown to black with greenish abdomens and can be differentiated from a similar species by markings on their pronotum. These bugs can be found throughout Europe, Siberia, and Central Asia in dry, warm grassland habitats like meadows and roadsides. They feed on various Asteraceae plants and can be observed from April to October after hibernation.

Stictopleurus punctatonervosus can reach a length of 6.5–9 millimetres (0.26–0.35 in). These bugs have a regularly punctuated pronotum, a banded connexivum and a rounded tip of the scutellum. The body is grey-brown to black, while the abdomen is often greenish. It can be distinguished from the closely related S. abutilon by the presence of two half-circle marks on the anterior margin of pronotum (as opposed to full circles in S. abutilon).
Adults can be found all year. In southern Europe two generations per year are likely formed. Females lay their eggs in the spring. New generation is complete by August. The species overwinters as imago and can be observed after hibernation from the end of April until the middle or the end of October. These bugs feed on various Asteraceae species.
This species is widespread in most of Europe and east to Siberia and Central Asia. It prefers dry and warm grassland habitats and it is often found on meadows, wasteland or roadsides.
Zoologische Staatssammlung München: Bestimmungsschlüssel der Familie Rhopalidae AMYOT & SERVILLE, 1843, Unterfamilie Rhopalinae AMYOT & SERVILLE, 1843 (Glasflügelwanzen) aus Bayern. Ekkehard Wachmann, Albert Melber, Jürgen Deckert: Wanzen Band 3: Aradidae, Lygaeidae, Piesmatidae, Berytidae, Pyrrhocoridae, Alydidae, Coreidae, Rhopalidae, Stenocephalidae, Goecke & Evers, Keltern 2007, ISBN 978-3-937783-29-1: S. 246–248
== References ==
Stictopleurus punctatonervosus is a bug that can grow to about 6.5–9 millimeters in length. These bugs have distinctive features like a punctuated pronotum, banded connexivum, and a rounded scutellum tip. They are grey-brown to black with greenish abdomens and can be differentiated from a similar species by markings on their pronotum. These bugs can be found throughout Europe, Siberia, and Central Asia in dry, warm grassland habitats like meadows and roadsides. They feed on various Asteraceae plants and can be observed from April to October after hibernation.
Ancestry Graph
Further Information