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Green Shield Bug

Lat. “Palomena prasina“
species of family “Stink Bugs“
1 species

The green shield bug, also known as Palomena prasina, has a life cycle that starts in April or May in Europe, where they hibernate as adults during winter. They feed on the sap from plants such as apples, pears, and hazelnuts. After a month of fattening up, they mate in June. The female lays eggs in batches of 25 to 30, and a single female can lay three to four batches. The eggs hatch into larvae, and they go through five nymphal stages, with coloration changing between stages. The final stage is the bright green adult imago, which is reached in September, followed by hibernation in November.

Life cycle

In Europe, the bright green shield bugs appear in April or May, having hibernated as imagoes in humus during the winter. They live by eating the sap from within plants in apples, pears and hazelnuts. They fatten for a month and then mate in June. The imago’s coloration changes over the summer months from green to greenish browns even bronze to ready for the autumn, after which the life cycle will end. Mating is back-to-back. The female lays her eggs in hexagonal batches of 25 to 30, and a single female will lay three to four batches. After the eggs hatch, the green shield bug enter a larval stage (which is really their first nymphal stage) where, in general, they remain together in sibling communities. This is made possible by the excretion of an aggregation pheromone. In case of danger, another pheromone is released which causes dispersal. The larval stage is followed by four more nymphal stages as well as moulting between each one. The green shield bug displays different colouration during each nymphal stage, light brown, black or green-black, and in the final stage, the imago, is bright green with short wings. Usually the imago stage is reached in September, with hibernation occurring in November.

External links#

Southwood, T. R. E. and Leston, D. (1959) Land and Water Bugs of the British Isles Frederick Warne & Co. Media related to Palomena prasina at Wikimedia Commons Green Shieldbug species account at British Bugs ARKive page about the green shield bug

The green shield bug, also known as Palomena prasina, has a life cycle that starts in April or May in Europe, where they hibernate as adults during winter. They feed on the sap from plants such as apples, pears, and hazelnuts. After a month of fattening up, they mate in June. The female lays eggs in batches of 25 to 30, and a single female can lay three to four batches. The eggs hatch into larvae, and they go through five nymphal stages, with coloration changing between stages. The final stage is the bright green adult imago, which is reached in September, followed by hibernation in November.

Ancestry Graph

%%{ init: { 'theme': 'base', 'themeVariables': { 'primaryColor': '#83a09c', 'primaryTextColor': '#212d2b', 'primaryBorderColor': '#fff', 'lineColor': '#fff', 'secondaryColor': '#006100', 'tertiaryColor': '#fff' } } }%% flowchart LR classDef active fill:#fff arthropods("phylum: Arthropods"):::active arthropods-->insects("class: Insects"):::active insects-->true-bugs("suborder: True Bugs"):::active true-bugs-->stink-bugs("family: Stink Bugs"):::active stink-bugs-.->bishop-s-mitre-shield-bug(["species: Bishop's Mitre Shield Bug"]) stink-bugs-.->black-shouldered-shieldbug(["species: Black-shouldered Shieldbug"]) stink-bugs-.->brown-marmorated-stink-bug(["species: Brown Marmorated Stink Bug"]) stink-bugs-.->dock-leaf-bug(["species: Dock Leaf Bug"]) stink-bugs-.->european-striped-shield-bug(["species: European Striped Shield Bug"]) stink-bugs-.->forest-bug(["species: Forest Bug"]) stink-bugs-.->gorse-shield-bug(["species: Gorse Shield Bug"]) stink-bugs==>green-shield-bug(["species: Green Shield Bug"]):::active stink-bugs-.->northern-fruit-bug(["species: northern fruit bug"]) stink-bugs-.->sloe-bug(["species: Sloe Bug"]) stink-bugs-.->spiny-shield-bug(["species: Spiny Shield Bug"]) click bishop-s-mitre-shield-bug href "/en/catalogue/arthropods/insects/true-bugs/stink-bugs/bishop-s-mitre-shield-bug/" click black-shouldered-shieldbug href "/en/catalogue/arthropods/insects/true-bugs/stink-bugs/black-shouldered-shieldbug/" click brown-marmorated-stink-bug href "/en/catalogue/arthropods/insects/true-bugs/stink-bugs/brown-marmorated-stink-bug/" click dock-leaf-bug href "/en/catalogue/arthropods/insects/true-bugs/stink-bugs/dock-leaf-bug/" click european-striped-shield-bug href "/en/catalogue/arthropods/insects/true-bugs/stink-bugs/european-striped-shield-bug/" click forest-bug href "/en/catalogue/arthropods/insects/true-bugs/stink-bugs/forest-bug/" click gorse-shield-bug href "/en/catalogue/arthropods/insects/true-bugs/stink-bugs/gorse-shield-bug/" click green-shield-bug href "/en/catalogue/arthropods/insects/true-bugs/stink-bugs/green-shield-bug/" click northern-fruit-bug href "/en/catalogue/arthropods/insects/true-bugs/stink-bugs/northern-fruit-bug/" click sloe-bug href "/en/catalogue/arthropods/insects/true-bugs/stink-bugs/sloe-bug/" click spiny-shield-bug href "/en/catalogue/arthropods/insects/true-bugs/stink-bugs/spiny-shield-bug/" click arthropods href "/en/catalogue/arthropods/" click insects href "/en/catalogue/arthropods/insects/" click true-bugs href "/en/catalogue/arthropods/insects/true-bugs/" click stink-bugs href "/en/catalogue/arthropods/insects/true-bugs/stink-bugs/"

Further Information


This article uses material from the Wikipedia article Palomena prasina the free encyclopedia Wikipedia which is released under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License). On Wikipedia a list of authors is available.