Die Grüne Stinkwanze, auch als Gemeine Stinkwanze oder Gemeiner Grünling (Palomena prasina) bezeichnet, ist eine Wanze aus der Familie der Baumwanzen (Pentatomidae).
Die Grüne Stinkwanze (Palomena prasina) ist eine häufige Wanzenart in Mitteleuropa. Sie hat einen breit-ovalen Körper und zeigt eine grüne Grundfarbe, die sich im Herbst zu Braun oder Rotbraun verändert. Die Art kommt in verschiedenen Lebensräumen vor und ist polyphag, bevorzugt jedoch Laubbäume wie Erlen und Linden als Nahrungspflanzen. Die Wanzen überwintern an geschützten Stellen und treten ab Mai wieder auf. Bei Gefahr können sie ein übelriechendes Sekret absondern.
The green shield bug (Palomena prasina) is a European shield bug species in the family Pentatomidae. The name might equally apply to several other species in the tribe Nezarini, or if referred-to as a “green stink bug”, it might more appropriately belong to the larger North American bug, Chinavia hilaris. The adult green shield bug ranges in the colour of their backs from bright green to bronze, without any substantial markings. Green shield bugs are a very common shield bug throughout Europe, including Great Britain & Ireland, and are found in a large variety of habitats, including gardens. They have been found as far north as 63° N latitude.
The green shield bug, also known as Palomena prasina, has a life cycle that starts in April or May in Europe, where they hibernate as adults during winter. They feed on the sap from plants such as apples, pears, and hazelnuts. After a month of fattening up, they mate in June. The female lays eggs in batches of 25 to 30, and a single female can lay three to four batches. The eggs hatch into larvae, and they go through five nymphal stages, with coloration changing between stages. The final stage is the bright green adult imago, which is reached in September, followed by hibernation in November.