Bush snail
species infraclass “Pulmonata“
1 species
This summary provides information about a species of snail. It describes the shell as globular with a deep umbilicus, with whitish or brownish colors and a maximum dimension of 22 millimeters. The snail is distributed in various European countries, including Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Germany, Netherlands, Poland, Serbia, Finland, Slovakia, and Ukraine. In terms of its life cycle, the snail lays eggs that are 1.9 millimeters in size and uses love darts during mating.

Shell description#
The shell of this species is globular with a deep umbilicus. The shell color is whitish or brownish. The maximum shell dimension is about 22 millimetres (0.87 in).
Europe (until recently including the southeastern part of British Isles, where it was probably introduced.)
Austria Bulgaria Czech Republic - least concern (LC) Germany Great Britain - extinct Netherlands Poland Serbia Finland Slovakia Ukraine
Life cycle#
The size of the egg is 1.9 millimetres (0.075 in).This species of snail makes and uses love darts during mating.
== References ==
This summary provides information about a species of snail. It describes the shell as globular with a deep umbilicus, with whitish or brownish colors and a maximum dimension of 22 millimeters. The snail is distributed in various European countries, including Austria, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Germany, Netherlands, Poland, Serbia, Finland, Slovakia, and Ukraine. In terms of its life cycle, the snail lays eggs that are 1.9 millimeters in size and uses love darts during mating.
Ancestry Graph
Further Information