Arthropods Daily – Issue No. 19
September 6, 2023

of genus
“Bumble Bees“
The Shrill Carder Bee (Bombus sylvarum) is a small bumblebee that is mostly pale yellowish in color with black bands across the thorax and abdomen, and an orange tip to the abdomen. The flight period for this species lasts from April to September, and each nest can contain around 100 worker bees. It is found in herb-rich grassland and feeds on nectar and pollen from various flowers. The species is declining in numbers across Europe due to habitat loss and intensification of agriculture. In the UK, it is now restricted to a few small areas in southern England and south Wales and is included in the UK Biodiversity Action Plan. It is also an endangered species in Ireland.
Further Information
Shrill Carder-Bumble bee
of genus
“Bumble Bees“