Der Himmelblaue Blattkäfer (Chrysolina coerulans) ist eine Käferart aus der Familie der Blattkäfer (Chrysomelidae).
Der Himmelblaue Blattkäfer (Chrysolina coerulans) ist zwischen 6,5 und 9 Millimeter lang und hat variabel gefärbte, meist metallisch glänzende Deckflügel. Seine Farben reichen von Blau über Blauviolett bis Kupfergrün. Er ist in Mittel- und Südeuropa beheimatet, fehlt aber auf den Britischen Inseln und im Norden. Der Käfer entwickelt sich an verschiedenen Minzenarten und besiedelt feuchte Bergwiesen, Bachufer und Waldränder. Er ist von Mai bis August aktiv.
Chrysolina coerulans, also known as the blue mint beetle or blue mint leaf beetle, is a species of beetle in the family Chrysomelidae. It is in the subgenus of Synerga. It is native to a wide range of countries between mid and eastern Europe and lives alongside rivers and in meadows, it feeds on various plant members of the mint family. It was first spotted in the UK in 2011, when it was first reported to the Royal Horticultural Society’s entomology department in July. In 2012, it was found breeding in Kent, Cambridgeshire and Lincolnshire. It has further spread throughout the UK.
The blue mint beetle, Chrysolina coerulans, is a species of beetle found in mid and eastern Europe. It is characterized by its metallic blue elytra, black legs and antennae, and rounded larvae. The beetle feeds on various species of Mentha and Tanacetum, including garden mint and wild horse mint. In the UK, the beetle was first detected breeding in Kent in 2011 and has since been found in several locations across the country. It poses a risk to gardeners who grow mint plants.