Arthropods Daily – Issue No. 256
April 30, 2024
of family
“Hover Flies“
Syritta pipiens is a species of hoverfly within the family Syrphidae. They are commonly found on flowers and have distinctive features such as broad femora, small white spots on the thorax, and large eyes. They belong to the subfamily Eristalinae and are closely related to the dronefly, Eristalis tenax. Syritta pipiens is cosmopolitan, found in North America, Asia, and Europe, and is often found in farmland, gardens, and parks. Their larvae feed on decaying organic matter, while adult flies feed on various flower species. They are important bio-control agents of plant pests and serve as pollinators, but are also sensitive to landscape changes and climate change.
Further Information
Thick-legged Hover Fly
of family
“Hover Flies“