Die Kohlschabe oder auch Kohlmotte (Plutella xylostella) ist ein Schmetterling aus der Familie der Schleier- und Halbmotten (Plutellidae).
Die Kohlschabe (Plutella xylostella) ist ein Schmetterling mit einer Flügelspannweite von 12 bis 18 mm. Die Art stammt vermutlich aus dem Mittelmeerraum und wurde durch den Menschen weltweit verbreitet. Die Falter sind nachtaktiv und fliegen von etwa einer Stunde nach Sonnenuntergang bis eine Stunde vor Sonnenaufgang. Sie legen Eier auf den Blättern von Kreuzblütengewächsen ab, insbesondere an der Mittelrippe. Die Raupen der Kohlschabe sind gefräßig und ernähren sich von den Blättern und Blütenständen ihrer Nahrungspflanzen, was zu erheblichen Schäden in der Landwirtschaft führen kann. Die Bekämpfung dieser Schädlinge ist schwierig, da sie oft resistent gegen Insektizide werden, aber es gibt verschiedene parasitäre Insekten, die zur Kontrolle der Population eingesetzt werden können.
The diamondback moth (Plutella xylostella), sometimes called the cabbage moth, is a moth species of the family Plutellidae and genus Plutella. The small, grayish-brown moth sometimes has a cream-colored band that forms a diamond along its back. The species may have originated in Europe, South Africa, or the Mediterranean region, but it has now spread worldwide.The moth has a short life cycle (14 days at 25 °C), is highly fecund, and is capable of migrating long distances. Diamondback moths are considered pests as they feed on the leaves of cruciferous crops and plants that produce glucosinolates. However, not all of these plants are equally useful as hosts to the moth. Because of this, studies have suggested using wintercress as a trap crop around agricultural fields because diamondback moths are highly attracted to that plant but their larvae fail to survive when eggs are laid on it.Originally, pesticides were used to kill the moths but diamondbacks have developed resistance to many of the common chemicals. For this reason, new biological and chemical controls, as well as different planting methods are being pursued to reduce the destruction caused by the moths.
The diamondback moth is a small moth characterized by its gray and brown coloration and a cream-colored band on its back in the shape of a diamond. It has a global distribution and is found in various regions worldwide. The moth's body size is influenced by temperature, with warmer temperatures leading to smaller bodies and colder temperatures leading to larger bodies. The larger moths have better flight ability, longevity, and reproductive performance, which affects their migratory patterns.