Arthropods Daily – Issue No. 474
December 4, 2024
of family
“Scentless Plant Bugs“
Stictopleurus punctatonervosus is a bug that can grow to about 6.5–9 millimeters in length. These bugs have distinctive features like a punctuated pronotum, banded connexivum, and a rounded scutellum tip. They are grey-brown to black with greenish abdomens and can be differentiated from a similar species by markings on their pronotum. These bugs can be found throughout Europe, Siberia, and Central Asia in dry, warm grassland habitats like meadows and roadsides. They feed on various Asteraceae plants and can be observed from April to October after hibernation.
Further Information
banded rhopalid
of family
“Scentless Plant Bugs“