Conocephalus fuscus, the long-winged conehead, is a member of the family Tettigoniidae, the bush-crickets and is distributed through much of Europe and temperate Asia. This bush-cricket is native to the British Isles where it may confused with the short-winged conehead (Conocephalus dorsalis). These two species are phenotypically similar; however, the distinguishing factor between the two is the fully developed set of wings the long-winged conehead possesses that allows for flight. In the short-winged coneheads the hind wings are shorter than the abdomen, causing the wings to be vestigial and the species is incapable of flight. For this reason it is hard to discriminate between the two species during the early stages of their life cycle before the wings have fully developed. The colouration of the conehead is typically a grass green with a distinctive brown stripe down its back, though there are some brown phenotypes.
The species in question is commonly referred to as Conocephalus fuscus, but there is debate about whether it should be called Conocephalus discolor. The body of the bush-cricket is covered by a protective exoskeleton and is divided into three parts. The antennae of this species are longer than its body, and females have a straight sword-shaped ovipositor for laying eggs. C. fuscus is found in parts of France, Italy, and the Netherlands, but its biggest presence is in the UK. The increase in global climate has contributed to the expansion of its range. This species is omnivorous, mostly eating grasses, and is active during the day, using walking as its main mode of locomotion.
Die Langflüglige Schwertschrecke (Conocephalus fuscus, Syn.: Conocephalus discolor, Xiphidium fuscum) ist eine Art aus der Unterfamilie der Schwertschrecken (Conocephalinae).
Dieser Text beschreibt die Merkmale, das Vorkommen, die Lebensweise und das Gesangsorgan der Heuschreckenart Conocephalus fuscus. Die Tiere sind 12 bis 17 Millimeter lang, haben eine hellgrüne Körperfarbe und lange Fühler. Sie kommen in Nordafrika, Europa und Asien vor und sind besonders in sumpfigen Wiesen und an Gewässern anzutreffen. Sie ernähren sich von Gräsern, krautigen Pflanzen und kleinen Insekten. Die Männchen haben ein Stridulationsorgan, mit dem sie ihren Balzgesang erzeugen, der aus "zli"-Lauten besteht. Der Artikel endet mit einer Literatur- und Weblink-Liste für weitere Informationen.