Rhagonycha fulva, the common red soldier beetle, also misleadingly known as the bloodsucker beetle, and popularly known in England as the hogweed bonking beetle is a species of soldier beetle (Cantharidae).
The common red soldier beetle, scientifically known as Rhagonycha fulva, is a species of beetle that measures 8-10 millimeters in length. It is characterized by its orange head and pronotum, black antennae, and dark shiny red elytra. This beetle is commonly found in Europe and Anatolia, but has also been introduced to North America, specifically British Columbia and Quebec. Adults feed on aphids, pollen, and nectar, while the larvae prey on ground-dwelling invertebrates. They are active between June and August and are often found mating on open-structured flowers such as Cow Parsley and Hogweed. R. fulva is also an important pollinator for species of Hogweed.
Der Rote oder Rotgelbe Weichkäfer (Rhagonycha fulva) ist ein Käfer aus der Familie der Weichkäfer (Cantharidae).
Der rote Weichkäfer ist 7 bis 10 Millimeter lang und rotgelb gefärbt, mit dunklen Enden der Deckflügel. Sie sind in Europa, außer im hohen Norden, bis nach Sibirien verbreitet und häufig. Die Käfer jagen vor allem auf Blüten nach kleinen Insekten und legen ihre Eier ab, aus denen sich Larven entwickeln. Die Larven jagen am Boden nach Schnecken und Insekten und verpuppen sich nach einer Weile.